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40 Humerus Skeleton Names For Halloween

These are 40 Humerus Skeleton Names that you can use for Halloween, naming your class skeleton, or the bag of bones in the clinic! In ABC order! Which punny bone do you like the best?

1. Albert Spinestein

2. Amelia Scarehart

3. Blake Skeleton

4. Bona Lisa

5. Bone Cold Steve Austin


6. Bone-ita

7. Bone Jovi

8. Bone Thugs

9. Bones McCoy

10. Bury White

11. Boney-Wan Kenobi

12. Captin Jack Marrow

13. Christopher Walken Dead

14. Count Scapula

15. Dr. Acula


16. Gwen Stiffani

17. Helen Skeller

18. Howard Sternum

19. Indiana Bones

20. Jerry Spinefeld

21. Jessica Bones

22. King Arthuritis

23. Macaulay Skullkin

24. Mandible Lecter

25. Mariah Scary


26. McRibbs

27. Meryl Shriek

28. Mr. Bone-jangles

29. Napoleon Bone-apart

30. Nicholas Ribcage


31. Scarah Shiverman

32. Scarilyn Monroe

33. Scary Poppins

34. Scary Potter

35. Skelly Clarkson

36. Skullary Clinton

37. Sir Bone-voyage

38. Teddy Bones-evelt

39. Thomas Deadison

40. Vincent Van Bone


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